Pool Opening and Closing
Finally, the cold summer months have passed and it's time to enjoy the sparkling warmth of your pool. But before you can enjoy that mini-ocean outback needs to be opened and prepared. At the end of the season, as the days grow short and you're clinging to just one more day in the sun there comes that time when the pool must be closed. Improperly closing your pool can lead to costly and debilitating damage. To ensure your pool is in top condition while using it during the warm months or preserving it during the cold months, we will open and close your pool (as well as maintain it all season).
Opening service includes draining cover, removing cover, cleaning and storing the cover, filling water level, re-connection of equipment, draining of antifreeze, removing of plugs, and starting equipment. We can then clean, shock, and restore your pool as necessary and treat the water to prevent rust and stains.
Our closing service includes initial winterizing (after last swim but before cover), pre-close cleaning, adjust water level, balance pool chemistry, winter shock pool, clean filter system, plug drains, drain lines, apply antifreeze, and securely install pillow and cover. We can even monitor the chemical balance throughout the year.
Opening service includes draining cover, removing cover, cleaning and storing the cover, filling water level, re-connection of equipment, draining of antifreeze, removing of plugs, and starting equipment. We can then clean, shock, and restore your pool as necessary and treat the water to prevent rust and stains.
Our closing service includes initial winterizing (after last swim but before cover), pre-close cleaning, adjust water level, balance pool chemistry, winter shock pool, clean filter system, plug drains, drain lines, apply antifreeze, and securely install pillow and cover. We can even monitor the chemical balance throughout the year.